We run a range of one-day workshops for individuals alongside bespoke programmes
for intact teams. These can all be tailored to meet your specific requirements.
Equine Facilitated Human Development enables you to develop and improve your personal
skills in a memorable and enjoyable way. Using a combination of practical exercises,
observation and classroom learning, our workshops will help you master the more fluid,
changing and creative process of leadership.
For more information about any of our workshops
If you are interested in attending one of our workshops, we will be happy to host an
initial consultation call – before you book – to discuss your objectives and help you
decide which workshop will be most suitable.
Please call Erika Uffindell on 0207 689 3936 or email erika@inspiredchange.global
For companies
We focus on developing each individual’s leadership style and on clarifying your team’s vision,
communication skills and overall alignment. Specific themes directly relevant to your group can
be custom designed into these two to three day programmes.
The Resourced Executive
Helping to enhance the skills and approaches that help your people thrive in a volatile, high pressured and uncertain world.
Purpose-led leadership for positive impact
For teams looking to achieve greater clarity on the direction and purpose of the organisation, enabling individuals to attune, align and understand purpose-led leadership.
Creativity and innovation
For teams or individual executives looking to raise their game and understand the role creativity can play in real innovation.
For individuals
These one-day workshops are designed for people wanting to explore
Equine Facilitated Human Development and who are looking to achieve positive and
transformative change in their lives.
Step forward with purpose
Helping you get clarity on your purpose and vision in order for you to make the changes that will make the difference you desire.
Effective relationships to build trust
Helping you challenge the internal scripts and beliefs that can be limiting, preventing authentic relationships and meaningful communication.
Professional development and career change
Helping you to define your plans, change direction, explore new opportunities or set out on a brand new path in life.
Resolving key issues
Workshops for Executives, teams, family businesses and individuals to identify opportunities
and resolve some of the key issues facing them in either their personal or professional lives.
Vision, alignment and strategy
To help you (or your team) set out a future path for a business, a merger or acquisition, or even work through ideas for a start up or spin off.
Proposition and product development
For business owners, designers, strategists and planners to test or validate a hypotheses for proposition or product development.
Sustainable thinking for growth
Helping you explore and better define organisational structures, improve team dynamics, resolve conflict and manage succession planning.